Animal welfare emergency response hui

SPAW was invited to a hui with animal welfare management groups from across New Zealand on Thursday 10 July 2024 in Wellington. This group operates under the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), focusing on animal welfare and emergency responses during disasters.

SPAW’s founder, Karen Schade, attended and shared her thoughts: “Attending this significant hui at HUHA’s impressive new rescue centre in the Hutt Valley was an honour. As a welfare agency serving the South Pacific, SPAW gained insights on enhancing our own capabilities for an emergency response to disasters that could positively impact the island communities we serve. Animals play a vital role in our communities and face risks of displacement, injury, or death during emergencies such as volcanos, earthquakes, fires, floods, tsunamis, and pandemics and the sub-function’s role in animal welfare during emergencies is crucial.”

The sub-function agencies ensure animals’ needs are met when their owners or caretakers cannot, due to the emergency. In such events, MPI coordinates with these agencies for animal rescue and evacuation, shelter, provision of food and water, husbandry, veterinary care and other essentials.

Representatives in the sub-function include SPCA, Animal Evac, HUHA, the New Zealand Veterinary Association, Federated Farmers, Companion Animals New Zealand, Massey University’s Veterinary Emergency Response Team and the New Zealand Institute of Animal Management.

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